Friday, April 19, 2013

Foreing consulates in Zaragoza

Foreing consulates in Zaragoza

I hope you always will think you needn't to read this entrance... but better have a glance than ask for it later...

Which consulates can you find in Zaragoza?

These ones. These are countries with a consul in Zaragoza.

And you can find addresses (and sometimes phone numbers too) in this webpage. It is from the Zaragoza municipality so it is expected to be always updated

In spite that almost all information is in Spanish, it is quite easy to undersant: name of the consul, country and address

Full list

This is the full list of countries with a consul in Zaragoza. For other countries you will have to go to the nearest one if you require their services (and considering the distance to nearest big cities, it will be faster to go to Madrid where you will find the general embassy).

Take a look in your country's foreing affairs ministry about services they can offer to you.


* Andorra
* Belgium
* France
* Germany
* Italy
* Portugal
* Romania
* Slovakia


* Dominican Rep.
* Ecuador
* El Salvador
* Chile
* Costa Rica
* Mexico
* Peru


* Cote d'Ivoire

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