Thursday, February 21, 2013

Zaragoza Green Ring

Zaragoza Green Ring

(or "Anillo verde de Zaragoza" as officially is said)
Do you want to have a tour around the city visiting its parks and natural resources?
There are plenty of them but this path will join most of them

What's the Zaragoza Green Ring?

It is a circle line that departing in the Puente del Tercer Milenio (Third Millenium Bridge) besides the Expo 2008 area, goes parallel to the Ebro river until the neighbourhood of La Cartuja and come back besides the Imperial Canal.

The shortest way is 30,5 km going and return.

Is it possible to made part of it?

Obviously yes.
As you can see in this map, a great deal of the Ring is between (or near) built neighbourhoods, so you can have a look to tramway or bus map and choose just a little stretch.

Be aware that to the neighbourhood of La Cartuja, the bus number 25 arrives every 12 minutes aprox. so you can go walking and returning by bus.
Starting in the eastern side of the ring besides the city and near the river, you can reach there with buses 24, 30 or 44.
Starting (or finishing) near the eastern side besides the Canal, you can reach there with buses 31 and 42 for instance. This will make easy your walk because you will not need to make a 35 km journey, just some of them outside the city but near it.

Are they more branches?

Of course. And it is a pity but it is not fully built. In the western side there is an alternative path crossing the "Parque Metropolitano del Agua Luis Buñuel" (Luis Buñuel Metropolitan Water Park)
There is another branch to the north, besides the Gallego river.

In a lot of newspapers dealers you will be able to buy a guide about it, but it requires few indications.

What will I find?

A lot of cityscapes but also landscapes.

Just some photos OUTSIDE the city (I just link some photos inside the city, most of them are in the nearby
but not inside the city)

Going to La Cartuja besides the Ebro river (as can be seen, you can make it with a mountain bike too)

You will depart next to the houses in the eastern side of the city (neighbourhood of Las Fuentes) and walk close to the river. Motorway will be crossed by a pass under it.

This brigde is not "inside" the inner ring but 500 meters away. I suggest you to cross it (only pedestrians or bikes).
It is very near La Cartuja, well indicated and no confusions.
Should you continue, you will arrive to the narutal area of La Alfranca

The Imperial Canal has several "locks". They were made to help little boats sailing there.

Returning from  La Cartuja besides the Imperial Canal you will find the Valdegurrianda locks (Esclusas de Valdegurriana)

and inside Zaragoza the "Fuente de los Incredulos" (Spectic fountain) and Casablanca locks

The "Sceptic Fountain" (Fuente de Los Incrédulos, I would advice you to ask about that name to someone in Zaragoza) has this sentence in Latin
"Incredulorum convictioni et viatorum commodo." Anno MDCCLXXXVI

which means "for convicting sceptics and a rest for travellers", Year 1786.

It was built to show that a Canal was possible to arrive to Zaragoza by Ramon Pignatelli

and some more pics inside the city:

This is an old stretch for railway to Teruel and Valencia in Oliver neighbourhood. Nowadays the train goes outside the city and this side was refurbished to have a walk. It is part of the inner ring.

As you can see, lamps seems to be over a catenary and a lot of details over the promenade remember to a railway lane.


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