Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Renaissance walking tour

Renaissance walking tour

Another walking guided tour. This time related to Renaissance in Zaragoza.

What are I'm going to visit?

Walking along the city with a guide you will visit seven monuments:

- Pilar Basilic
- Renaissance Market
- Camon Aznar Musem Palace
- Real Maestranza Palace
- Sastago Palace
- St. Engracia Basilic
- Infanta Courtyard (inside ibercaja bank)

A guide will go with you with explanations of all these monuments

When are these tours available?

Once per month on saturdays at 11:00.
Ask in the tourism office for further information

Cost is 5,50 EUR for adults.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Roman city guided walk

Roman city guided  walk

Once per month there is a walking tour with a guide around Roman heritage.

What kind of Roman heritage can I visit in Zaragoza?

- Roman Walls
- Roman Forum
- Roman Baths
- Roman River Port
- Roman Theatre

and inside the Zaragoza Museum there are some archeological rests about the Roman era, not only in Zaragoza but also in the surroundings.

Roman Walls are quite easy to be visited. They are in the own street, between the tramway and Plaza del Pilar.

For the other four monuments you can buy a pack to visit togeter

But you can also ask for a guided tour around them. They will tell you a lot of things about Roman era and later, you can visit any museum by yourself.

What is the journey to be done?

This one. Meeting is at Torreon de la Zuda tourism office, just beside Roman Walls.

When can I visit them?

Once per month, one sunday out of four at 10:30

Tickets cost 5,5 euro and may be bought at tourism office in advance (and book your visit)

Are they other visits to be done?

Yes. Tourism office prepares a great deal of guided visits. Just have a look to this page

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Walking city tours

Walking city tours

Zaragoza tourism prepares several tours around the city.
Do you want to know more?. Sometimes it is the best option to have a quick explanation about the city.

What kind of city tours can I find?

A lot of them.

Main ones are:
- Roman city
- Renaissance
- Goya in Zaragoza
- Mudejar Art in Zaragoza

and there are several ones

When are those city tours?

You can ask in the tourism office but for instance, the main four ones are on Saturdays or Sundays morning, one every week while all the year.
But ask for it because they can start at 10:30, 11:00, etc...

What about tickets?

Tickets may be bought in advance via internet or in the tourism office.
Price for a single ticket can be 5 to 6 euro. You can hire a visit for a group with a whole price.

Be aware that this page will be updated with links to those walking city tours and giving more information