Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Currencies, cards and money in Zaragoza

Currencies, cards and money in Zaragoza

Only Euro. It is the official currency... but let's talk about money in Zaragoza

Currencies accepted

Only Euro coins/banknotes will be accepted anywhere. I haven't seen any place accepting other currencies incluiding US dollars, Swiss Francs or British Pound.

Until 2001 the official currency was Spanish Peseta. Even though a lot of years are run since then, it would be possible to find something (specially those things with a higher price) written with the two currencies, although peseta is not used anymore.

Where can I exchange money?

As far as there are less people with foreing currencies who ask for exchange, it is not usual to see exchange business.
But in almost all banks (never mind which one), all most common currencies will be changed with the official rate and usually a fee (not high. When there were a lot of exchange agencies, banks had the lowest fees).
Banks usually open 8:00 to 8:30 and close 14:00 to 14:30. Depending of the bank, they can open on Thursday evening.

Some specific bank agencies have a different timetable (for instance one of CAI in P.Independencia and two of CAI and ibercaja in the station, as well as several in shopping centres but also several banks for all their agencies can open several hours in the evening), incluiding sometime saturdays.

It is enough to arrive to the desk with the foreing banknote (they will not accept coins) and they will give you the equivalent into euro currency.

Main hotels can exchange money too (and obviously their schedule is longer than banks) but they can have worst rates or fees.

Can I use my credit card?

VISA and Mastercard are often accepted in absolutely all business. Never mind if it is a hotel, restaurant or just a little shop or supermarkets.
They will, usually, ask a minimum payment (this is... for a little purchase they will ask to pay in cash, they will accept cards only for higher purchases because they will have to pay a fee for any card).

Ask to your bank about using the card in Spain (fees because abroad, rates if necessary to exchange, etc...)

You will be able to use them in cash dispensers. Just introduce it and write the amount of money you want. Ask to your bank about fees if asking money in cash dispensers (take care that... it could be cheaper and safer than carrying foreing money in cash and later asking for a currency exchange)

In a lot of cash dispensers, when they will notice that it is a foreing card, the first thing they will do is to ask about the language you want to use there. That will make your operation easier.

Almost all cash dispensers will give 10, 20 and 50 euro banknotes. If you want to have a higher banknote (for instance 100), you will have to enter inside the bank and ask for a change (2x50 =  100, just that)

I have to point that I have seen few places in Zaragoza where American Express or Diners Club are accepted. I have seen them... but they are not usually accepted. Take care about it.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Goya in Zaragoza I - Camon Aznar museum

Goya in Zaragoza I - Camon Aznar museum

Francisco de Goya (wikipedia was born in Fuendetodos, a little village near Zaragoza.
Part of his live was in Zaragoza, where he stayed while he was teenager, young man. He was married here and stayed some time while his life.

Camon Aznar museum

It is a museum property of ibercaja bank.

It was an old 16th century palace refurbished for a museum (from my point of view, it is as intereting paintings than the whole building). There are too many paintings there from 15th century to 20th century but Goya's are the main ones.

As a curiosity, Goya not only did paintings but also etchings. This means that there can be several "original etchings" taken from the original piece. He made a lot of ones in Spain and someones more in France (Bordeaux).
Camon Aznar museum is the only one that has a copy of all etchings made in Spain. They show almost all of them but in their warehouses they have the full collection.

How can I get there?

Go to the main Tourist office located in front of the town hall (middle way Cathedral and El Pilar). Go back ahead between the buildings and... just 100 metres. It is one of those buildings that you will see from the square but the main entrance is in the opposite side. But... just 100 m ahead.

Touristic bus has a stop in Cathedral square, close to museum
Tramway near stop is in Plaza de España
Behind touristic office you have a station to take your bike if you had rented a three days pass
And, anyway, it is very near to any point from the old city. If you are there, you will reach it easily walking.

Which are timetables and prices?

Entrance is free.

If you have taken a guided tour around the city centre, you will pass in front of it, and guide will make an explanation about the building and about what you will find inside.

It is open Tuesday to Saturday 10 to 14 and 17 to 21 and Sunday 10 to 14

Think in it for a late visit in Zaragoza while the week

More information (in Spanish) at:

REMEMBER: At Patio de la Infanta, in ibercaja headquarter, you will have more Goya original paintings.