Monday, March 18, 2013

Bridge pavilion

Bridge pavilion

Bridge pavilion (Pabellon-puente) will be opened again

It could have been the most significant building in the 2008 international exhibition. Wanna visit inside?

When can it be visited?

Starting March 23rd, Bridge pavilion will be opened on sunday mornings 10:00 to 13:00 having short guided free tours at 10:30, 11:30 and 12:30.

What's the Bridge pavilion?

This is the Wikipedia information
The Bridge Pavilion (Spanish: Pabellón Puente) is a building designed by British-Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid that was constructed for the Expo 2008 in Zaragoza (Spain) as one of its main landmarks. It is an innovative 280-metre-long (919 ft) covered bridge that imitates a gladiola over the river Ebro, connecting the neighbourhood of La Almozara with the exposition site, and thus becoming its main entrance. The new bridge is, at the same time, a multi-level exhibition area; 10,000 visitors per hour are expected to frequent the Pavilion of the world exhibition.
Hadid chose fibre glass reinforced concrete from the Austrian company Rieder to envelope the bridge: she covered the outer skin of the building with 29,000 triangles of fibreC in different shades of grey.
During the Expo 2008, the Bridge Pavilion hosted an exposition called Water – a unique resource, designed by Ralph Appelbaum Associates. When the Expo was over, the building was purchased by the local savings bank Ibercaja to use it as a site for expositions.

For updates:

Some pictures

How can I get there?

Bus circle lines (Ci1, Ci2) and bus 34 stop quite close there.
Touristic bus stop also around the Expo 2008 area.
If you arrive by train (even if high speed or commuter train), Delicias station is close to this bridge.

You can join this visit to any other one within the Expo 2008 area (Aquarium, pavilions...)

Thursday, March 7, 2013



You arrived to Zaragoza, you have a smartphone or something that can be connected to the internet network but your mobile company has terribly fares for international roaming.
Wanna have connections within Zaragoza with a weak fare?

Free internet

Almost all restaurants, bars or cafes, hotels and many shops have wifi but they are usually restricted for customers.
They often have a signal in the gate pointing that they offer wifi access. If, for instance, you are entering to a cafeteria, it will be enough to ask for the user and password and you will have free network.
Some shopping centres (mainly in the surrounding) have free internet. It is enough to be inside and connect with their network because there will be no password.

City internet

Zaragoza town hall has a wifi network mainly in the city centre and some parks and main avenues called "WI-ZI".

There are many antennas to offer this service. One example could be this one:

You may register in the web and ask for a pack depending of the days you are going to stay in Zaragoza. You will have an user and password (only required the first time you will connect because you can choose to save password in your mobile, smartphone or laptop) and being up to 100m away from any antenna you will be able to have internet in almost all streets in city centre (obviously as nearr to the antenna you are, as better connection).

WI-ZI services allows you to connect to some applications such as Whatsapp, skype and so on, and obviously any mail service, surf on the internet.

So think if you want to save money calling home... because paying once it can be used anywhere within the city.

It is not a fast connection service (try to avoid downloading movies or so...). Basic service is 0,5 Mbps and Premium is 1 Mbps. It will seem to be not enough but think that it is a service offered in every corner and for using skype, sending an email or surfing on the internet it is enough!.

Where will I find antennas?

This is a real time map about antennas. Green spot means on service, Red spot means out of service.

How can I ask for it?, how much does it cost?

Firs of all... I am so sorry because webpage is only in Spanish, even the registration page.
Should you have any problem with the language or any question about it, just post a comment to this blog entrance and I will reply you.

This is the page to register
You have to write your data and that stuff. Later they will ask for the credit card and how long do you want the service.

Prices for the Basic service
1 day, 1,5 euro
3 days, 4 euro
7 days, 9 euros
30 days, 20 euros
one year, 50 euros