Monday, September 30, 2013

Sceptic Fountain refurbished (Fuente de los incrédulos)

Sceptic Fountain refurbished (Fuente de los incrédulos)

In the 18th century, after three centuries studiying possibilites, alternatives and on works, a great Canal arrived to Zaragoza.
The "sceptic fountain" was opened in the nearest point to city centre
Today, latter 2013, it has been refurbished and you can visit it again

A part of our history

The Ebro river crosses the centre of Aragon but it doesn't irrigate anything. It is like the Nile in Egypt. A lot of water but just only in their nearby you will see irrigation.
In the 16th century a Canal was projected. It was the "Canal Imperial de Aragon", and the word "Imperial" comes because first king to get the project was the Emperor Charles the 5th of Germany and king 1st of Spain. Hence "Imperial".

In the 18th century the project was taken again and thanks to Ramon Pignatelli it was made. A lot of people were very sceptic about them. It was a huge canal that made possible to have water in the countries near the Ebro but impossible to take water as well as possible for little vessels. In the 18th century it was easier to transport freight in the canal than in a cart or horse-wagon.

When the water arrived to Zaragoza (in fact, the little village of Casablanca, today just one more neighbourhood in the city), Ramon Pignatelli opened a fountain. It was called the "sceptic fountain"

And... to make it quite clear he wrote ("Incredulorum convictioni et viatorum commodo." Anno MDCCLXXXVI) what it means (in Latin) "to convince sceptics and for a rest of travellers" Year 1786.

Still you can see that sentence.

The fountain today. How to arrive there?

This autumn, after some works, the fountain has been refurbished.

Although it is not in city centre, it is quite easy to arrive there.
Tramway L1 stop "Casablanca" is about 400 m ahead (and no possibility to get lost. It is in the same avenue)

Visit is absolutely free. It will take you only 15 minutes to visit it and the surroundings (and just pay a return ticket in tramway).

You can also try to start there the Green Ring of Zaragoza... or either you start it, you will walk around this fountain.

and some Canal facilities for former vessels just behind this fountain (Casablanca Canal locks)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A big wheel in the Ebro river

A big wheel in the Ebro river

Wanna have a STUNNING VIEW over the city?

Zaragoza major days

In the second week of October Zaragoza has, for 9 days, the major week. There are a lot of activities, concerts, leisures, etc...

Some of them are several leisures rides that are shettled in a resort in a specific location

But... this year we have a great news.

One of those leisure rides, a big wheel, will not be in its resorts but... just located in the Ebro river.

So, we have a 70 metre panoramic wheel besides the river and close to city centre.

Price is 5 euro and will be available (at least) for October 2013

How to arrive there?

By tramway, La Chimenea station is the nearest

If you are in Plaza del Pilar, just 500 metre walking or so.

Some pics

(taken from newspapers mainly)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ebro vessels. Sailing in the river

Ebro vessels. Sailing in the river

There is a summer service to have a journey over the river. It is a whole new perspective of the city. It worths a lot.

Which is the journey?

This year (2013) a new company has started to manage the service. They will offer to go from Pilar to Expo area.

Pilar dock is just here:,-0.877056&spn=0.001074,0.004823&sll=40.396764,-3.713379&sspn=4.484348,19.753418&t=h&hnear=Zaragoza,+Arag%C3%B3n&z=18
(although google maps is not updated, but just after Basilica in the Ebro river and going down. No possibility to get lost)

Expo dock is more or less here,-0.895965&spn=0.002148,0.009645&sll=40.396764,-3.713379&sspn=4.484348,19.753418&t=h&hnear=Zaragoza,+Arag%C3%B3n&z=17
(and that part was under construction when the picture so it is not updated... but take a look to the area in a map)

Which are their fares and timetables?

Tuesday to Sunday
Departures from Pilar dock: 12:00, 13:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 and 21:00
Departures from Expo dock, about half an hour later
Trip would take 25 minutes to go, and 25 more return

You can just go and return or decide to stay for a while in the area

Price is 10 euro for an adult return ticket.
There are reductions for children and senior citizens

The company that manages the vessels is the same that manages the Aquarium . So then, if you buy a return ticket you will have a 30% reduction in the Aquarium

Tickets can be bought in the same vessel and, if you are in the Aquarium, you can buy them also there (it is the same company).

What can I visit if I go to the Expo area?

and the Water Park Luis Buñuel

Aquarium does not close at noon so you can go in the morning when you want, visit it, have a lunch there or in the Water Park, having a walk in the area and returning in the evening

It really worths

As a detail:

and.... wanna have a lunch or just a beer with something else in the Aquarium terrace?

Look at this

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Going by taxi from the airport to city centre.

Going by taxi from the airport to city centre.

How much is it going a taxi journey cost?

Taxi fares

There are several fares in Zaragoza for taxis.
Fare 1 is for weekly days. Fare 2 is for night and weekend services (22:00 to 6:00).
Fare 3 and 4 are the same ones but used for not inner city. This is... if you go from city centre to anywhere out of inner city they will apply fare 1 (or 2) until one specific point (there are signals in the street/road) and later fare 3 (or 4) which is more expensive.
If you go out of Zaragoza municipality territory, fare will be calculated based in kilometres (but there is not many difference, indeed, with the fare numbers price).
The total cost will depend even of the time that they have been waiting (or going under 20 km/h), even of kilometres.
This is, you can consider the number of kilometres as an estimation but in a traffic light in red the price will increase a little because "waiting time". And it will be more expensive if the taxi is in a traffic congestion and running slowly than if it goes faster (if it drives fast you will notice that taximetre will run fast too... but you will arrive to destination fast too also).
Furthermore, there is a specific extra fare if the taxi departs from the airport.

so... how is it going to cost me?

It is not easy to calculate, but taxi drivers have set this pannel in the airport where you will take a taxi, in English and Spanish and you will be able to check fares. They are just approximate. Final fare to pay is which would be indicated in the taximetre in any case. But it is written for weekends and for weekly days. So you can decide if taking a taxi or not.
As an example, "city centre" will cost 19 or 26 euro depending of weekly days or weekend.
Railway and bus station (Estacion Delicias) will cost 17 to 22.
Hospital Miguel Servet and Hospital Clinico are 18/19 to 23/24 euro (they are quite near).
The rest of destinations are for other towns in the nearby, exhibition centre or industrial areas.
As said... it is not official but you can know, more or less, how much will it cost to you.

Is there any other option for mobility?

Yes. Every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday and 60 minutes in Sunday there is a bus that takes you from the airport to Delicias railway and bus Station and to city centre.
A single ticket costs 1,70 euro so you can decide if it wonders to take a taxi or not.
Time for a bus to city centre is about 30 minutes. Final stop is in P. Maria Agustin, corner with Cesar Augusto.
should you have a bus card or so, inside Zaragoza, connecting with another bus or tramway is free.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Renaissance walking tour

Renaissance walking tour

Another walking guided tour. This time related to Renaissance in Zaragoza.

What are I'm going to visit?

Walking along the city with a guide you will visit seven monuments:

- Pilar Basilic
- Renaissance Market
- Camon Aznar Musem Palace
- Real Maestranza Palace
- Sastago Palace
- St. Engracia Basilic
- Infanta Courtyard (inside ibercaja bank)

A guide will go with you with explanations of all these monuments

When are these tours available?

Once per month on saturdays at 11:00.
Ask in the tourism office for further information

Cost is 5,50 EUR for adults.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Roman city guided walk

Roman city guided  walk

Once per month there is a walking tour with a guide around Roman heritage.

What kind of Roman heritage can I visit in Zaragoza?

- Roman Walls
- Roman Forum
- Roman Baths
- Roman River Port
- Roman Theatre

and inside the Zaragoza Museum there are some archeological rests about the Roman era, not only in Zaragoza but also in the surroundings.

Roman Walls are quite easy to be visited. They are in the own street, between the tramway and Plaza del Pilar.

For the other four monuments you can buy a pack to visit togeter

But you can also ask for a guided tour around them. They will tell you a lot of things about Roman era and later, you can visit any museum by yourself.

What is the journey to be done?

This one. Meeting is at Torreon de la Zuda tourism office, just beside Roman Walls.

When can I visit them?

Once per month, one sunday out of four at 10:30

Tickets cost 5,5 euro and may be bought at tourism office in advance (and book your visit)

Are they other visits to be done?

Yes. Tourism office prepares a great deal of guided visits. Just have a look to this page

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Walking city tours

Walking city tours

Zaragoza tourism prepares several tours around the city.
Do you want to know more?. Sometimes it is the best option to have a quick explanation about the city.

What kind of city tours can I find?

A lot of them.

Main ones are:
- Roman city
- Renaissance
- Goya in Zaragoza
- Mudejar Art in Zaragoza

and there are several ones

When are those city tours?

You can ask in the tourism office but for instance, the main four ones are on Saturdays or Sundays morning, one every week while all the year.
But ask for it because they can start at 10:30, 11:00, etc...

What about tickets?

Tickets may be bought in advance via internet or in the tourism office.
Price for a single ticket can be 5 to 6 euro. You can hire a visit for a group with a whole price.

Be aware that this page will be updated with links to those walking city tours and giving more information